
Office of the Provost

The Provost is responsible to the President for the operation of the Academic Affairs division of the University, including the academic programs, personnel and resources of Western Washington University.

The Provost's primary areas of oversight include: academic planning, academic policy, faculty and academic budgets, faculty affairs, assessment and outcomes, and institutional research. The Provost administers the seven academic colleges and academic support services, as well as all undergraduate and graduate programs.

The aim of the undergraduate experience is not only to prepare the young for productive careers, but also to enable them to live lives of dignity and purpose; not only to generate new knowledge, but to channel that knowledge to humane ends; not merely to study government, but to help shape a citizenry that can promote the public good.

Ernest Boyer


Other areas of oversight responsibility include the university libraries, information and instructional technology, faculty research, international programs, honors programs, extended education and summer programs, and Shannon Point Marine Center. With assistance from the academic deans, department chairs, and directors, Academic Affairs is responsible for curricular issues and administers existing academic programs and develops new programs.

Other areas of responsibility include: strategic planning, accreditation, instruction and research, and the evaluation of programs and instruction.

Reporting directly to the Provost are the seven academic deans, the Dean of Libraries, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, the Vice Provost for Research/Dean of the Graduate School, the Vice Provost for Information Technology, the Vice Provost for Extended Education, and the Director of Institutional Research.

We welcome your comments or suggestions and invite you to email to: Provost@wwu.edu.